Write Your Love Handout

Please fill in the blanks as you listen.

Today’s course covers:

  • Find or refine your subject
  • Blog to invite a readership for your writing
  • Create fun relationships on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube
  • Publish in various media, including magazines, online publications, books and eBooks, and
  • Use sensory details, precise images and metaphors to make your writing meaningful and irresistible

1. Find and Refine Your Subject

Write down the subject that so ignites you that simply thinking about it makes you smile and want to get up and communicate about that love.



Create in the _______ of time. The truth comes through during the quiet times.

As Hemingway said, “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”

2. Blog to Help Your Audience Find You

Two main types of blogs:

A _______________ or individual blog.

A _______________-type or tribal blog.

Setting up a blog is easy. Simply go to www.wordpress.com and follow the instructions. It’s free and you can have your first blog post up within a half hour. However, you may want to invest a bit more by going to www.wordpress.org. The main thing is to begin.

I invite you to explore both my website and blog at www.lesleysking.com.

Important Blog Features:

  1. Be sure to turn on the ____________ option to allow people to subscribe to your blog. This is your goal, to build your email list.
  2. Use ______________ – your own photos or purchase them on Shutterstock or istockphoto.com. Avoid using slick marketing images – stay true to your brand
  3. Create an _____________ page: This is a very important component that includes your story. I invite you to go to my site and read it  at www.lesleysking.com. Here are some key questions your About might answer:
    • What life surrender brought you to the place where you created what you are sharing about in your work?
    • How did that event move you to create anew?
    • How does this creation inspire you and others?
  4. Some coaches say to write ____ or so posts before going live, but I recommend just starting. Be inspired by the moment.
  5. Write well and have someone ______________ for you.
  6. Be sure to create _________ for each post: these are the topics the post covers that help the search engines find your post.
  7. As I said before, one of the best ways to build an audience is to have a ____________ blog. With this model, you publish others’ writing each week.

3. Writing – What Your Blog Might Contain

The most common types of posts:

  1. _______________ – These are the building blocks on which your subject rests. They are usually longer posts that
    • Explain key concepts you’ll be referring to;
    • Demonstrate your grasp of the subject area; and
    • Help lend authority to your blog

    Your posts will likely range from a few words to 1,500. The favorite for search engines is around 500 words. Some other types of posts include:

  2. __________________ – This is likely your most common. It is my staple. A lively way to write experiential posts is to write in the ___________ tense. This brings immediacy to the post.
  3. Another type of post is the _____________ – If you are a teacher, this will be your most common. “How to” posts attract the most attention, and drive the most online traffic.
  4. ____________ – These can be very popular. You could list “Best of ” something, or “Favorite of” something else.
  5. Share others’ __________ – This is part of the tribal blogging model I mentioned before. It is very effective in building a blog.
  6. ______________ of books, etc. or excerpts – This can also be an excellent way to drive people to your blog.

Now you are ready to publish your blog

Here are some key points to remember:

  1. You simply press ____________. It’s that easy. How do you get people to read it?
  2. The biggest way is through sharing on ______________________.
  3. Be sure to turn on sharing, so people can share it on social media and through email. You do this by adding __________ buttons, which are a part of the WordPress platform
  4. Post regularly – set up a schedule that works for you. This will help the ________________ come to know you.
  5. ________________ on other blogs. You will find yourself creating relationships with other bloggers.
  6. Take time to create effective ________________. Use active verbs and specific nouns.
  7. A great goal is to ______________ to each comment you get. Thus you will begin to create a conversation with your readers, and this is critical to the growth of your blog
  8. Once you have established yourself as a blogger, other bloggers may ask you if they can publish one of your posts on their site as a _____________ blogger.
  9. When you write an especially popular post, you may want to submit to an online __________________ such as Huffington Post. If it is accepted for publication, people will read it there and be drawn to your site.

5. Create fun relationships on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube

  1. First, set up ____________ on any of these you believe you would like to maintain. You will be posting your blog on each of these, if possible, with images
  2. If you like Facebook you may want to set up a Facebook _________ page now. It can take time to build a following on a fan page, so I first recommend that you focus on your personal page.
  3. The main goal with all of these is to have __________________ with people and to keep it real. Don’t like or comment on posts because you should, but because you genuinely connect with them. In your posts, a great tool is to ask questions.
  4. The best way to find your tribe in any social medium is to use ______________. When you go on Facebook or Twitter, you type into the top box the subject that most applies to your brand. Join groups on Facebook or through using hashtags on Twitter.

Facebook Tips

  1. Be sure to _________________. That way you support others. Practice giving to your friends in that way.
  2. Post anything that might ___________ your audience. The optimal length is under three lines of text and it’s best to include a bold image for Facebook.
  3. Frequency: The aggressive coaches say to post at least _________ times a day. I say do what serves you best.

Twitter Tips

  1. This social medium is all about ___________________ and doing each other favors. The main thing to know about Twitter is that tweets are 140-character-long message.
  2. Be sure to follow only those who _____________ on Twitter. I don’t recommend following people who just spout out tweets.
  3. Use hashtags. A hashtag is the little ______________ sign on your computer keyboard. Put a hashtag before a topic where you want your tweet to go.
  4. Make ___________. Once you’re following someone, go to their profile page and find the dropdown menu next to the follow button. Click on it and go to “add or remove from lists.” Click on that and you will have the option to make a list and add them to it. I invite you to follow me at @lesleysking on Twitter and I will follow you back. Then you can look at my lists.

Pinterest Tips

  1. This is a _____________ social medium, so it great if your message has a visual component. First you set up boards.
  2. Once you have boards set up, people may ____________ just particular boards or all of your boards, and you can do the same with them.
  3. Always put a catchy phrase on anything of your own you post, and put your ______________. I pin my blogs directly onto Pinterest.

Google+ Tips

Create a ___________ there and create some ___________ circles.  Then check in daily to see how you like it there.

YouTube Tips

1. ______________ are the most popular things on the Internet, so if you post them regularly, you have a good chance of capturing some of the Internet interest, which translates to Search Engine Optimization.

2. The main tip I can tell you is to keep your videos to ____________ seconds. If you have a longer subject to cover, consider breaking it into shorter segments.

3. If you at some point intend to position yourself as an expert in your field, as I am doing here with this course, you can use YouTube to circulate _________ videos, which are a great way to attract an audience.

6. Publish in various media, including magazines, online publications, books and eBooks

Possible creations for you:

  1. You can turn your blog posts into a book or ____________.
  2. Create a material ______________, for example journals, or greeting cards or art.
  3. Offer ________________ on what you know. If this interests you it may be your best tool for generating income on the Internet. In my extended course, we will spend time discussing being an expert in your field.
  4. As well as teaching, you may want to work individually with people in your area of expertise by being a _______________.

7. Use sensory details, precise images, and metaphors to make your writing meaningful and irresistible

Five fundamental principles:

  • Sensory details
  • Action
  • Specifics
  • Vulnerability
  • Revision

1. Use Sensory Details

Whatever you’re writing, especially if it is experiential, you want to include the senses: tastes, textures, ____________, sounds, and sights in the place where you’re writing.

_________________ your reader your meaning through painting vivid, multi-sensory images.

2. Powerful verbs drive good writing.

Good writing is about ____________. Use verbs consciously.

Write a few actions verbs:

3. The more specific writing is, the more universal it becomes.

Understand the power of  ______________—names of trees, rivers, buildings, bugs, birds.

When you are specific, using precise words, _____________ truths shine more brightly.

Which leads us to the next point…

4. Be vulnerable

In popular posts there is some kind of _____________.

5. Revision

Three-step writing process:

In step one you __________ flow. You have an idea of what you want to say but may not quite be sure of the whole, so you just get your thoughts down.

The next day you start step two, which is your ________________. You read through what you’ve written and find the main kernel of what is coming through. Then you revise the whole in line with that main idea.

Step three is your __________ draft in which you tune it. Here you make sure everything within the piece of writing supports the main concept you are presenting. Then you look at the sentence structures, the word usage, the punctuation and grammar.

My final point: Inspiration

People want to be inspired—to climb a mountain, to bake a tart. What generates inspiration? Often it’s a sense of overcoming _________ or forging a new _________.

My Extended Course: Write Your Way to Freedom

Now I know I have covered a massive amount of information in this brief course. My main goal is to give you a business model that you can expand into. So I encourage you to get started. Take this handout and follow the steps.

Do at least one thing a day to move your vision forward. And know that your creation will develop as you go.

As Lao Tse said, “The way appears when you step on the way.”

That is the truth.

If, however, you want some help, with these steps and your writing, I have an option for you. This course marks the start of a workshop that I am offering online. It will be like any workshop that you attend weekly. The difference is we will meet at our computer screens using webinar technology. So it will be as though we meet in my living room, but you won’t have to leave the comfort of your home.

Imagine that you could be free to

  • Write about what you love
  • Bring more creativity into your life
  • Send your message of love out into the world
  • Have meaningful interactions with your audience

And you will have my support and professional guidance as you embark on this quest.

Now, if this sounds good to you, head to this website to learn more and sign up:


As Goethe says,

Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.

Again, if this sounds good to you, head to this website to learn more and sign up:
