The Whispering Hurricane

The Whispering Hurricane

It starts as a quiet whisper a little voice telling me how I’ve been wronged. I cock my head to listen, and the words quicken, anxious like a bird’s heartbeat in the palm. Soon, I am seduced into a hurricane of thoughts. They rush and swirl, twirl me around until I’m...
Dancing Trees

Dancing Trees

In this forest of dancing trees, haunting sounds slip among waving branches. Cries and groans chill the air as though someone is screaming from pain. I crane my head this way and that trying to find the injured rabbit, lost fawn or maybe a trapped raccoon. Soon I see...
Fecund Spring

Fecund Spring

  The winds of spring rush and swirl spreading seeds that land and sprout. New creations brimming with life. Mind wants to water them all, create a full orchard. But wait! Instead I ask inward… Which seed should I nurture, which tree do I support? The message...
Light within Darkness

Light within Darkness

  Out in the night, when the juniper trees are but shadows, and the birds have gone quiet, I turn off my headlamp and look up at the blackness. Slowly, shimmering flecks appear, a cluster here, a river there, until a blizzard of stars dances across the sky...