by Lesley | Aug 3, 2020 | courage, Creativity, Soul |
That thief who sneaks in through the dark of night may steal your physical beauty, your resilience and youth. It may steal your family, your passion for work or movies and even your most romantic love story. It may steal your brilliant philosophies political...
by Lesley | Jan 11, 2016 | Beloved, consciousness, courage, Creativity, Devotion, harvest, materialsim |
I put money in real estate in the stock market in that high-yield CD. Goosebumps pimple the skin. How much will I make? the mind wonders. The balance rises as I count the riches a warm blanket of safety across my life. But then…always the condo sits...
by Lesley | Feb 11, 2015 | Beloved, consciousness, courage, materialsim, Soul, work, writing |
I make a budget write down sources: Coaching, book sales, rental payments will come. Groceries, utilities, mortgage payments will go. All computes well. Income covers outflow. I’m safe. But what if I get sick sued flooded broken lost? Emotions...
by Lesley | Jan 14, 2015 | Beloved, courage, Creativity, Devotion |
On an icy winter day I step out of the bank and stop fast. There in front of me shuffles my mother. I see her glossy, silver hair, red wool coat and body hunched over a walker. My heart thuds in my chest. It’s an apparition, a ghost! My mother passed away more than a...
by Lesley | Jul 23, 2014 | consciousness, Creativity, Divine, Sound |
The ability to stay centered in the Love during an attack— that is valuable, much more than any material possession or worldly achievement.