by Lesley | Aug 2, 2014 | consciousness, Divine, eternity, God, love, Sound |
Once upon a time, you were...
by Lesley | May 27, 2014 | Devotion, love, Relationships, Soul, Sound |
At dawn I sit on the porch with my Lover. We sip licorice tea and listen to robins chirp and doves coo. During the day we work together— sweep the floors cook fennel with snow peas, even the mundane tasks joyful because we are together. We collaborate on...
by Lesley | May 20, 2014 | consciousness, courage, Devotion, karma, passage, reincarnation, Sound |
Please enjoy this poem and image by Ariana Harley Naked on the Throne I have worn the costume of politician beggar housewife doctor of killer soldier cook and thief. You have known me as mother lover child stranger. But I don’t want to play Halloween any longer....
by Lesley | Mar 19, 2014 | Devotion, eternity, love, Surrender |
I will always want you The Beloved says to me. I think back to my mother who didn’t When I was born The lovers who did But then left or I left them The employers who did But paid little and pushed hard And then disappeared The friends who I no longer see The wine that...
by Lesley | Apr 8, 2013 | consciousness, God, Sound, Spiritual concepts |
The Light and Sound teachings, of which I am a student, instruct that we incarnate into every physical form in our journey to know our true God selves. This happens along an evolutionary continuum, and yet since time and space are an illusion, it occurs in the now....