by Lesley | Aug 1, 2018 | Beloved, Sound, Surrender, Uncategorized |
The lizard limps down the middle of the dirt road. I stop the car, climb out, herd him to the side. He only perseveres back to the center, with a three-legged limp, right front leg held high. Heart screams, no, poor baby! He should be lifted on all fours...
by Lesley | Feb 15, 2017 | Beloved, gratitude, Surrender |
In this desert where even the most sensuous kiss dries to a crisp where the greatest artwork, blows away in a dust devil, where even a tear drop sears to nothing in the relentless whirling of time, I call out to You. With a heart desiccated as that giant...
by Lesley | Jan 19, 2017 | Beloved, bliss, courage, Creativity, Soul, Surrender |
Just now, under the frozen earth the seed awakens. Its heart begins a faint thump, thump, and its tiny hands tucked in tight tremble with a life ready to burst forth in spring. So do I, kissed by a warming sun feel the pulse of new energy beat within. ...
by Lesley | Jul 18, 2016 | Beloved, cloud, consciousness, courage, Creativity, Devotion, harvest, journey, Sound, Surrender |
On this drought day when you ache for a full gushing thunderstorm yet only a spritz of rain cools your skin do not lose heart, my love. In the monsoon season the splattering rain today feeds the great torrent of tomorrow. So one day when you hardly...
by Lesley | Jul 15, 2015 | Beloved, bliss, eternity, gratitude, love, Sound, Surrender |
The music of morning: chirp chirp, cluck wee wee slip slip yee yee yee woo wit woo wit. A waning moon glows against pale rosy blue drip drip of dew breeze wraps like a cool cloak. Thump, thump, thump… My heart plays the percussion of this love...