by Lesley | Dec 10, 2024 | Creativity, Devotion, Surrender |
It starts as a quiet whisper a little voice telling me how I’ve been wronged. I cock my head to listen, and the words quicken, anxious like a bird’s heartbeat in the palm. Soon, I am seduced into a hurricane of thoughts. They rush and swirl, twirl me around until I’m...
by Lesley | Oct 28, 2024 | courage, Creativity, Devotion, Surrender |
Recently, after reading a book about how to make our planet sustainable, I set a matrix to volunteer some of my writing to that cause. Within a few weeks, a call came in from a nonprofit asking me to create a film script to help save some tropical rainforest. I...
by Lesley | Jul 16, 2024 | Beloved, Devotion, Surrender |
In this forest of dancing trees, haunting sounds slip among waving branches. Cries and groans chill the air as though someone is screaming from pain. I crane my head this way and that trying to find the injured rabbit, lost fawn or maybe a trapped raccoon. Soon I see...
by Lesley | Oct 26, 2022 | Devotion, Surrender |
A flash of tan dissolves into dark earth my dog friend gone, led astray by his nose seeking the scent of a rabbit. I call and call my fear bouncing off ponderosa trunks their sweet vanilla suddenly grown sour. “Lester, Lester come back!” But the forest stays silent—...
by Lesley | Jul 13, 2022 | Creativity, Soul |
I plant the seeds carefully using rich soil and compost— tomatoes, beets, radishes, tatsoi, arugula, cucumber and patty pan squash. Then I wait. Soon the tiny seedlings appear. They push up through the soil, a miracle of fragile green! Every morning I go out, check...