by Lesley | Mar 27, 2024 | Creativity, Devotion, Soul |
The winds of spring rush and swirl spreading seeds that land and sprout. New creations brimming with life. Mind wants to water them all, create a full orchard. But wait! Instead I ask inward… Which seed should I nurture, which tree do I support? The message...
by Lesley | Jul 18, 2021 | Beloved, Soul |
Recently, in the Pecos Wilderness of northern New Mexico, I came upon countless wild roses. With their delicate strength, they provided a rich contemplation for me. When photographing flowers I love to play with focus, zeroing in on the crucial moment, so that all...
by Lesley | Jun 13, 2018 | courage, Creativity, love, Soul, Uncategorized |
If I could only see myself the way I see my garden… In its fledgling flax and parched penstemon I see graceful limbs and bold blossoms opening to the desert sun. In the microscopic thyme that barely survived the winter, I see a brave heart. Kneeling to...
by Lesley | Mar 24, 2016 | Beloved, bliss, Creativity, Devotion, gratitude, karma, Surrender |
One cannot rush winter one cannot make the earth warm the buds blossom the sparkling rains fall. Each experience inhales and exhales its own perfect breath, the lessons within the moonless nights and pelting hail. Why wait? Why struggle? Spring is...
by Lesley | Mar 14, 2016 | bliss, courage, Creativity, gratitude, harvest, play, Soul |
Please enjoy this guest post by Mary Corcoran. Alma Bella You are already a beautiful garden. You have endured gales and hurricanes, blizzards and blight. Now is your time to thrive. Make ready your inner spring. Trim back your overgrown, unwieldy self. Prune...