by Lesley | Jul 2, 2024 | Beloved, bliss, Devotion |
Dear one, imagine if you could gaze on flowers, all day, every day, how their velvety petals, in periwinkle and scarlet would ignite the love in you. Like the cosmos on its spindly stem, you would dip and sway in the breeze, exuberantly, unabashedly dancing to a tune...
by Lesley | May 22, 2024 | Beloved, Creativity, Devotion |
The husky strains at his leash hackles up fangs bared saliva dripping. He wants our dog for dinner, and he does attack, our boy’s paw ripped bloody his wails echoing through the hills. After disinfecting and bandaging him, in the night I squirm wanting it all to stop,...
by Lesley | Mar 5, 2024 | Creativity, Devotion, Soul |
Out in the night, when the juniper trees are but shadows, and the birds have gone quiet, I turn off my headlamp and look up at the blackness. Slowly, shimmering flecks appear, a cluster here, a river there, until a blizzard of stars dances across the sky...
by Lesley | Dec 31, 2022 | Blog, Devotion, gratitude |
Happy New Year, Thank you for subscribing to The Inner Adventure. As an appreciation for tuning in, I’m offering my brand new audiobook to the first 25 subscribers who respond to this message. If you’re interested, simply REPLY to this email, and I will...
by Lesley | Dec 22, 2022 | consciousness, Creativity, Soul |
Snowflake, glistening in the sun you swirl up, down and around your fellow flakes playing in the rays that will soon kill you with their warmth and brightness. And yet you dance, float above the gravel, flip and turn glint like a spark set on the wind. You spare...