Five-Star Ambiance

As a travel writer, one of my duties has been to rate accommodations. Of course I have an ideal against which I measure all. These hotels or resorts possess a five-star ambiance. A room in such a place might have thick Persian rugs on maple floors, gold tile in the...

Own Your Power

Most every day I take a walk through the piñon-juniper forest surrounding my house. On today’s journey, I relish the quiet. Finches chirp and flit among the treetops, puffy clouds skate across the broad sky, and the azure Sandia Mountains stand tall in the distance....

Waltz with the Beloved

With a phone to my ear, I pace from my kitchen to my living room and back. My palms sweat. My throat constricts and my heart beats fast. Occasionally a voice within says, “You’re failing. This is terrible.” But I ignore it, call on my Beloved and keep talking. No, I’m...

Launch In

I wake in the dark at midnight, my mind with an imperative command: Launch my novel, The Baby Pact. The thought is so unyielding and potent that I throw aside my covers to climb out of bed so I can head to my computer. Yes, I will do a launch, and I will begin NOW. A...