by Lesley | Aug 26, 2015 | courage, Devotion, Dogs, God, Service, Surrender |
Be a service dog for consciousness shepherding patience into the world. Lie at your Master’s feet awaiting Its direction panting for Its every whim. Walk with that Power alert for moments to aid with your simple Presence the sick the hungry the empty hearts the...
by Lesley | May 6, 2015 | Beloved, courage, Forgiveness, gratitude, health, karma, Relationships, Service, Soul, Sound, Surrender |
It seems its only job is to thwart me, that illness that shrivels my strength to a crinkly rose petal that neighbor whose threats break down doors into may past where I once huddled shivering that job that presses like a spring gale always wanting more. But...
by Lesley | Apr 15, 2015 | bliss, consciousness, Creativity, gratitude, Service |
The dew drop forms on a pear blossom glistens in first light trembles in a breeze slips onto a lizard tongue and loses itself in giving.
by Lesley | Sep 8, 2014 | courage, Devotion, materialsim, Service, work |
You enter the Soul Protection Program all the old identities gone the torture of being an agent of Kal* finally ceased. You live in a kind of heaven a palace below a limitless sky distant blue mountains shimmer fat doves drink from a fountain. Now you work for...
by Lesley | Mar 26, 2014 | Creativity, God, love, Service, Soul, Sound, Surrender |
I am the hibiscus through which the Beloved imparts Its fragrance. Image: Kauai at dawn
by Lesley | Aug 15, 2013 | consciousness, love, Service |
Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.—Kahlil Gibran