by Lesley | Feb 8, 2022 | courage, Creativity, harvest |
Boom! Lightning strikes, thunder claps within. The assault ricochets through the body, drives downward to the ground, shakes the heart, weakens the limbs, until I shiver in my bones. I call to the Steady One. Suddenly, brightness illuminates my white-knuckled...
by Lesley | Jul 18, 2016 | Beloved, cloud, consciousness, courage, Creativity, Devotion, harvest, journey, Sound, Surrender |
On this drought day when you ache for a full gushing thunderstorm yet only a spritz of rain cools your skin do not lose heart, my love. In the monsoon season the splattering rain today feeds the great torrent of tomorrow. So one day when you hardly...
by Lesley | Mar 14, 2016 | bliss, courage, Creativity, gratitude, harvest, play, Soul |
Please enjoy this guest post by Mary Corcoran. Alma Bella You are already a beautiful garden. You have endured gales and hurricanes, blizzards and blight. Now is your time to thrive. Make ready your inner spring. Trim back your overgrown, unwieldy self. Prune...
by Lesley | Jan 11, 2016 | Beloved, consciousness, courage, Creativity, Devotion, harvest, materialsim |
I put money in real estate in the stock market in that high-yield CD. Goosebumps pimple the skin. How much will I make? the mind wonders. The balance rises as I count the riches a warm blanket of safety across my life. But then…always the condo sits...
by Lesley | Oct 14, 2014 | consciousness, Devotion, food, harvest, Soul, sweet |
A stroll the the farmers’ market reveals the inner...