by Lesley | Jun 12, 2017 | courage, Dogs, Forgiveness, gratitude, Relationships |
The dog you rescued with a scar on her brow wags her tail and looks up at you, dark eyes shining mouth curved in a little smile. But that lonely road where you found her limping stays branded on her heart. In a tough moment, as she huddles in the...
by Lesley | Aug 26, 2015 | courage, Devotion, Dogs, God, Service, Surrender |
Be a service dog for consciousness shepherding patience into the world. Lie at your Master’s feet awaiting Its direction panting for Its every whim. Walk with that Power alert for moments to aid with your simple Presence the sick the hungry the empty hearts the...
by Lesley | Sep 16, 2014 | cloud, Creativity, Dogs, Sound, Spiritual concepts |
We lounge in a meadow near a babbling brook a lone cloud inching across a sapphire sky. It has a head, my friend says pointing to the cloud. Yes, I say, as I see the canine snout protrude and a curve form along the jaw. There’s an eye! The pinhole opens....
by Lesley | Jul 23, 2013 | consciousness, courage, Dogs, Forgiveness, Yorkie |
It’s two in the morning, and I walk in the dark through a piñon forest. My heart pounds with fear as I sense coyote and bobcat eyes watching through branches I can barely see in the dim light of a sickle moon. I am walking through the biggest fear I have about my...
by Lesley | May 1, 2013 | courage, Dogs, hiking, work |
Most every day I take a walk through the piñon-juniper forest surrounding my house. On today’s journey, I relish the quiet. Finches chirp and flit among the treetops, puffy clouds skate across the broad sky, and the azure Sandia Mountains stand tall in the distance....
by Lesley | Feb 27, 2013 | Dogs, love, Relationships, Soul |
Today, for the first time, my mother’s dog and my cat will meet. The prospect of this makes my mouth dry and my heart pound. I want them to be friends, so that we can spend time together as a family. Even more importantly, if my cat, Arjuna, could spend the days I...