by Lesley | Apr 19, 2022 | courage, Creativity |
I should have said no to that tenant who left his stuff in my house. I should have said no to my mate who insisted we bike that treacherous trail. I should have said no to that vampire, that leaner, that diva and bully. But I could not. I am too well trained in...
by Lesley | Feb 8, 2022 | courage, Creativity, harvest |
Boom! Lightning strikes, thunder claps within. The assault ricochets through the body, drives downward to the ground, shakes the heart, weakens the limbs, until I shiver in my bones. I call to the Steady One. Suddenly, brightness illuminates my white-knuckled...
by Lesley | Jan 18, 2022 | courage, Creativity, Surrender |
Our personal history tries to keep us on a track, iron rails hold us to a fixed route. When anger ignites, one has no choice but to follow the ancient directive: fists clench face burns scarlet, revenge sparks on the tongue. But… What if that track isn’t so set? What...
by Lesley | Jan 3, 2022 | courage, Devotion, gratitude |
I rowed this boat so darn hard, I must have broken a thousand oars on rocks and shallow depths, always trying, trying to get there to that shore of love, safety, and beauty. I rowed and rowed, flipped over and back up until my arms ached, my nose filled with...
by Lesley | Sep 28, 2021 | courage, Creativity, Devotion |
“Poor me,” the voice in my head says. “If it weren’t for this, my life would be easy. I could be free, happy, full of energy and love.” “Really?” I ask the voice one day. “I mean…you’ve had this refrain for so many years… ‘Poor me, if only…’ “And yet that situation...
by Lesley | Feb 2, 2021 | courage, Creativity, Soul |
Your extraordinary self is already here! No need to try to push to impress to rush and exert beyond the fray. Your being has always been. No need to seek to calculate to struggle. Instead, simply breathe in the pure Love Power. Feel that fiery, flowing essence...