by Lesley | Jan 2, 2018 | Beloved, bliss, child, courage, gratitude, reincarnation, Soul |
I thumb through the photo album. There I am in at age six wearing a Sunday plaid suit. Defiant, I dart my tongue at the camera. In high school, a pudgy face and body from boarding school starch, I slouch in the Y of a tree. In college, tan, golden hair,...
by Lesley | Apr 5, 2017 | Beloved, bliss, child, courage, Devotion, Soul, Surrender |
I say goodbye to a doll who wears a cotton dress and a pine-green coat her hair cut in one spot down to the roots, my 8-year-old attempt at being a hairdresser. I also wave farewell to a teddy bear who I used hold in the night. He once played music but...
by Lesley | Nov 4, 2015 | child, consciousness, courage, Forgiveness, gratitude, karma, Surrender |
Bless the mischief makers who bring us to our knees. Whether boss, neighbor, mate, child or stranger, they hound trip bully and manipulate us. They steal our money, energy and time. But most of all the mischief makers force us to fly into the...
by Lesley | Nov 12, 2014 | bliss, child, Creativity, eternity, gratitude, journey |
Please enjoy this poem by the 14th-century mystic, Hafiz. And For No Reason And for no reason I start skipping like a child. And for no reason I turn into a leaf that is carried so high I kiss the Sun’s mouth and dissolve. And for no reason a...
by Lesley | Dec 18, 2013 | bliss, child, Devotion, eternity, materialsim, Soul |
I pull the little hand-carved Christ figurine from the box and place it in the manger. Next I find Mary and Joseph and set them on either side of the child’s tiny crib. As I do this my heart both tugs downward and rises upward. It’s an odd bitter sweetness on this...
by Lesley | Mar 5, 2013 | child, courage, Creativity |
Creativity is about suspending thought and living in the airy state of Divinity. This video is a delicious illustration. For the best experience, watch it full screen. Thanks to Bryan Smith of Reel Water Productions. For some lighter-than-air reading, check out...