by Lesley | Dec 31, 2024 | Beloved, books, courage, Creativity |
Dear Inner Adventurers, I invite you to enjoy this exclusive offer for my blog subscribers. Sincere thanks to those of you who purchased my new book, I Am Love. Today, I’m offering a free book to anyone willing to write a review on Amazon. Here’s how it will work: If...
by Lesley | Dec 10, 2024 | Creativity, Devotion, Surrender |
It starts as a quiet whisper a little voice telling me how I’ve been wronged. I cock my head to listen, and the words quicken, anxious like a bird’s heartbeat in the palm. Soon, I am seduced into a hurricane of thoughts. They rush and swirl, twirl me around until I’m...
by Lesley | Oct 28, 2024 | courage, Creativity, Devotion, Surrender |
Recently, after reading a book about how to make our planet sustainable, I set a matrix to volunteer some of my writing to that cause. Within a few weeks, a call came in from a nonprofit asking me to create a film script to help save some tropical rainforest. I...
by Lesley | Jul 16, 2024 | Beloved, Devotion, Surrender |
In this forest of dancing trees, haunting sounds slip among waving branches. Cries and groans chill the air as though someone is screaming from pain. I crane my head this way and that trying to find the injured rabbit, lost fawn or maybe a trapped raccoon. Soon I see...
by Lesley | Jul 2, 2024 | Beloved, bliss, Devotion |
Dear one, imagine if you could gaze on flowers, all day, every day, how their velvety petals, in periwinkle and scarlet would ignite the love in you. Like the cosmos on its spindly stem, you would dip and sway in the breeze, exuberantly, unabashedly dancing to a tune...