I am a sea creature
swimming in the Beloved’s warm current.
I fly, flip and turn
in perfect weightlessness.
Never do I have to return to that dense,
land-locked realm
Where each step
leaves a heavy footprint.
Here, in the blissful blue,
I float on wonder, breathing out bubbles of illusion,
Breathing in the pure love
that I am.
Thank you, Rebecca. 😍
Just gorgeous! Full of light and love. Inspiring Lesley, thank you!
Awww, thank you, Chloe. It’s definitely an aspirational poem, envisioning my future state. 😍
No time, no space, just living in this moment, floating on Shabda bliss…
Thank you, Rudy. Yes, that is the goal…nearer and nearer each practice, each moment with our Beloved!
Thank you for this beautiful poem! Perfect for me today, to let go of my fears and anxieties and float in the blissful wonder of His love, “breathing out the bubbles of illusion”!
Thank you, Louise. Beautifully said: “let go of my fears and anxieties and float on the blissful wonder of His love! That is my goal too. 😍
Bless you for sharing your beautiful message, Lesley! We are safe and we are refreshed in His warmest love.
Lovely. Perfect. 💖