In that waking
or sleeping dream,
when you can’t escape
the monster…
You try running
but your legs tangle.
You try fighting
but fangs pierce your flesh.
Then one day
you call to the Beloved inside
and poof,
the monster disappears.
Why does it work
when nothing else will?
It’s the Love
that dissolves the illusion,
like warm milk
does honey.
The honey seems
so thick and real,
but then it blends,
sweetening all life.
When you
and move
All that you
ran from
and chased
leaving only the real and true,
the you,
that is forever and always
Beautiful Lesley!
The timing “Perfect” as always. Had a dream last night of being attacked with a knife. There was no thought of running away but in His Nam, only disarming the attacker and subduing him. Letting him know that there was nothing to be afraid of and no need to harm that which seems to appose or threaten his existence. Only through Love could we both escape any illusion of a threat. As he (the mind) dissipated, I felt the Love bath my entire being and peace and Love was all there was (is)!
That is so powerful, Andre. Thank you for expanding this poem with your example. I love the idea of the mind giving up in the face of Love. It really is what happens when we surrender. All that churning and fighting just turns to love. So beautiful!
For many years, I would often see a parade of frightening personages cross my mind’s eye as I was falling asleep. Before joining the Path, I never knew what to do with those experiences except shake in fear until the dream/vision faded enough for me to fall asleep. Once the Beloved joined my resting mind, I found myself greeting and almost laughing at their gnashing teeth, understanding now that they are pure illusion pretending to be fearsome, like life itself. Your poem captures my experiences, (and perhaps many other’s) so beautifully. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.
Rudy, thank you for sharing your monster story. I’m happy to hear that those images became so benign, and what a great view, to see them as just pretending to be fearsome, like life itself. Isn’t that the truth about life! In my early days on the Path, I had a recurring dream of being chased by some ferocious presence. With the Master’s guidance, one night I stopped running, turned and simply faced the presence. It disappeared and never returned. I find this is also the case in waking dreams. When something feels like its out to get me, if I surrender it, it disappears and instead of a threat, becomes food for my devotion. So grateful!
The image of Master power dissolving honey, transforming golden chains, to sweeten all life is perfect.
Thank you, Niki. Truly, we are so fortunate to learn to see through the illusion and to dissolve it with Love.