I rowed this boat so darn hard,
I must have broken a thousand oars
on rocks and shallow depths,
always trying, trying to get there
to that shore of love, safety, and beauty.
I rowed and rowed,
flipped over and back up
until my arms ached,
my nose filled with water.
Sweaty brow, trembling hands,
I pulled with desperation
as if a waterfall were
sucking my boat into its grasp.
But now the True Rower has taught me,
really there is no down or up.
The surface and the underwater
are the same,
so whether I’m on top
or submerged,
I can breathe.
Even the waterfall’s fury
has become
but a spectacular flight.
Nothing to run from
nowhere to go.
Gently I row
knowing all I need
is right here in this boat
of my true heart.
Thank you precious Lesley..this speaks loudly to how often I am rowing against the current…much love your way. 💝
Thank you, Teddy. Yes, how easy it is to go with that old flow rather than the new tranquil one. Learning differently every day. Wonderful hearing from you.
It is the Beloved that has created this prolonged game of Hide and Seek. Who is hiding? Who is seeking? Grist for the mill of deep contemplation!
Merci beaucoup, Lesley.
Thank you, Al. So true. It is stunning how the whole of life has been gifted for our realization. This view erases all conflict and striving, allowing the mind to relax and gently flow.