I search Zillow for a house or apartment.
Each day, I buzz through the ads.
I must move out of my new home.
But in my morning practice
I melt into the ocean
float on gentle waves.
Back on land my mind becomes certain again.
After living alone for so many years,
I can’t live with another.
I need more space
more expansiveness.
Instead I feel trapped in a shoebox.
And so, as I walk through each day,
attempt centeredness with every encounter,
Zillow still calls to me.
Through brief moments of calm,
I sit awkwardly in this house
while moth-eaten memories close in.
Still tender as open wounds
they light up before me
each melting in a pool of tears.
Then one day, understanding dawns:
the expansiveness I seek
resides in me.
I spread my possessions about this house,
take up space beyond my little room
an Acoma bowl here, a watercolor there.
I awaken to a golden sunrise
content to open the curtains
and be just where I am.
The meadow spreads golden before me,
and beyond, tower blue mountains,
this whole dream a gift from You.
As Zillow fades into the mist,
I ready myself for a new cycle.
My pulse quickens in anticipation of
yet more Love.
2020 brings notable change for my living situation also, though not the displacement you experienced. I appreciate the reminder to continue to seek what is “missing” due to the change within me, where I find that nothing is actually missing at all.
Beautifully said! Truly, we have everything we need within. Our goal is to move in and occupy it! Thank you.
I love the metaphor of the seasonal nature of our transitions. Sometimes I go from winter back to summer or vice versa, but progress is always being made whether or not we see it, thanks to this conveyor-belt incarnation and initiation by a Sat Guru. I appreciate your insight and the spiritual platform from which you view all of life. Lovely, lovely poem!
So true, Rudy, the cycles can last moments, decades or lifetimes, and we know them all, at least until we enter the timeless, which we can do in any moment with our Beloved. Thank you for your beautiful insight, always.
The recycle sure beats moving. Wishing you the very best new year and a life filled with the delightful sparkles of the Devine…
Thank you, Ron. It’s great to hear from you! And you are so right: the recycle is the way to go, the only way to penetrate these deeper issues. Wishing you a fabulous new year.
Such a beautiful and powerful image and poem with layers of magic shining through. Thank you!