My memory is for my Beloved.
Mind wants to use it to…
ride the merry-go-round of the past,
dwell on playground kisses and slaps,
count my Monopoly money.
If memory were a book
each page would only contain His image.
If memory were a movie
every frame would be filled with His love.
If memory were a song
every note would sing His vibration.
Memory is the book, film, song
I use to create my way into the higher worlds.
In His image the past and future merge.
I remember Him
in order to image the glory to come.
That glory is me.
Yes, yes, and yes again! The *memory* in conjunction with our imagination is a powerful tool that paves the *way* through Bhakti’s ascending essence. Obliterate the lower memory…that which begs for continuity within the illusion. And, merge with the higher through remembering ONLY Him! Awesome imagery Lesley…intimate and so very *spot* in!
Thank you, Bobby. This has been a deep and long contemplation for me, and implementing it with the Master brings amazing results, as you obviously know. Interesting what you say about continuity within illusion; I’ll add that to my contemplation. 🙂
We flap our wings synchronously together and fortify them through Bhakti’s ascending efforts. It is divine honor to take flight with Him in such rarefied company. Thank YOU for your humble service Lesley…it means so much to me…as I too am increasingly humbled through the peerlessly ascending crucible of unequivocal surrender. What is the saying: Shabda is the Road, Master is the Guide, Soul is the Traveler. <>
“Spot in.” Good one!
Mind wants to use it to…
ride the merry-go-round of the past,
dwell on playground kisses and slaps,
count my Monopoly money.
Mind wants to use it to…
ride the merry-go-round of the past,
dwell on playground kisses and slaps,
count my Monopoly money.
Lesley, you are perfectly on point for me. This is so true, as I turn to the Beloved and beg Him to bring me confidence, serenity, understanding in His name. Thank you!
Thank you, Leslie. You definitely exhibit those qualities whenever I see you, so it appears your request has been granted. 🙂
Very nice. The first stanza especially hits home.
Thank you, Katherine. <3
“In His image the past and future merge.” Memory is the past, books, film and song memorialize the past or create an imaginative future. And you are correct, if all are of His image they all merge into one glorious present moment after another. This is a very nice contemplation, Lesley. So insightful and introspective. Many thanks for sharing the Master’s offering.
Very beautiful. Highlights so well the unrealty of this universe. If you are able to see all images and reflections of it with His face in the middle of them, then none can become very solid. The only thing we need to attach to is Him, and if we see Him in everything, then we are doing so.
Hi Lesley,
I really resonated with this post, as soon as I read your title,”My Memory is For My Beloved,” your writing just flowed as a beautiful contemplation on how we as chela’s are striving for perfect simran, and when we achieve that state , your title (our memories) will be only for our Beloved! Well done, and I just love that Rocky Mountain pass photo you used!
Your imagery is so sweet and the poem is a gem❤️