
Please enjoy this guest post by Mary Corcoran.

Alma Bella

You are already a beautiful garden.

You have endured

gales and hurricanes,

blizzards and blight.

Now is your time to thrive.

Make ready your inner spring.


Trim back your overgrown, unwieldy self.

Prune away what does not serve you.

Clear the dried leaves,

the sticks and branches.

Compost the dead bits.

Amend your soil.


Make room for new growth,

the blossoming of the true self.


Plant anew in the furrows:

wild flowers,



English ivy,

fragrant herbs,

a lemon tree.

Decorate the inner mansion

of your soul.


Water the seeds with your tears;

allow them to flow.

Play in the puddles that you shed.

Skip. Splash. Stomp in your waters.


Yelp. Squawk. Scream.

Until a smile, then

a giggle escapes.

Until you are crying from laughter

instead of pain.


You are already strong:

tested to tensile strength,

hard enough to shatter diamonds.

None can conquer your inner might.

Unleash this power.


Your worth is immeasurable:

more valuable than

all the stars in the sky,

all the fish in the sea.

Harness this wisdom.


Flirt with and

court the essence

of your own inner self—

the you that is waiting

for your attention.

Open wide the doors of your heart

with abandon.

Embody your own true love.


Mary Corcoran practices massage therapy and is studying somatic psychology and expressive arts. As a student of the Light and Sound teachings with Sri Gary Olsen of MasterPath, she credits her spiritual life as the source of her inspiration. You may contact her at

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