lovely, and then I thought, as the mind loves to challenge, but in this case, maybe it was Soul alerting me, “but water’s can take down even a good swimmer!”
So Rudy’s comment was the perfect follow up! 😉
Sheila, your comment offered plenty of meat (in this case crab meat) for contemplation. Thank you!
What came in is that yes, the water can definitely take us down, but remembrance of the Beloved allows us to breathe under water, even at the greatest depths. So we are always safe. Besides that, we are eternal, and it’s all illusion anyway. 🙂
Ah, yes,, but i cling to my illusions like a life raft. ha-ha!!! And yes, i do always feel safe as if i’ve become a fish in the ocean of love and mercy, except that i am a drop (or a drip) in that ocean which makes it even easier to negotiate. All Love.
I love this, so simple and true. It reminds me of Dennis’s analogy of the salmon swimming up river; the challenges they meet en route and that it’s only through Grace that they make it. Interestingly my five year old son has just learnt to swim this summer. For ages he was clinging to me like a limpet. It wasn’t until he saw his three year old cousin swimming that he really got the confidence to swim on his own out of his depth. It was beautiful to see the joy and confidence he took from realising he could swim. This in turn spurred him on to reach new depths and cover greater distances. Much like once we trust in our own spiritual experiences, our journey takes off like a rocket. There’s also the parallel with how experiences shared in forums such as this, can spur us on in our journey. With appreciation, much love.
Exactly accurate. And no two bodies of water are the same, so only a Sat Guru is qualified to give swimming lessons.
Keep swimming, m’dear.
So true, Rudy. We really do need the True Lifeguard to keep us safe from the riptides.
lovely, and then I thought, as the mind loves to challenge, but in this case, maybe it was Soul alerting me, “but water’s can take down even a good swimmer!”
So Rudy’s comment was the perfect follow up! 😉
Sheila, your comment offered plenty of meat (in this case crab meat) for contemplation. Thank you!
What came in is that yes, the water can definitely take us down, but remembrance of the Beloved allows us to breathe under water, even at the greatest depths. So we are always safe. Besides that, we are eternal, and it’s all illusion anyway. 🙂
Ah, yes,, but i cling to my illusions like a life raft. ha-ha!!! And yes, i do always feel safe as if i’ve become a fish in the ocean of love and mercy, except that i am a drop (or a drip) in that ocean which makes it even easier to negotiate. All Love.
I love this, so simple and true. It reminds me of Dennis’s analogy of the salmon swimming up river; the challenges they meet en route and that it’s only through Grace that they make it. Interestingly my five year old son has just learnt to swim this summer. For ages he was clinging to me like a limpet. It wasn’t until he saw his three year old cousin swimming that he really got the confidence to swim on his own out of his depth. It was beautiful to see the joy and confidence he took from realising he could swim. This in turn spurred him on to reach new depths and cover greater distances. Much like once we trust in our own spiritual experiences, our journey takes off like a rocket. There’s also the parallel with how experiences shared in forums such as this, can spur us on in our journey. With appreciation, much love.