The mind wants to know
where we’re going
what inn we’ll sleep in tonight.
It wants to know
what diner we will eat in
and what’s on the menu too.
But really we are gypsies
we are Bedouins
traveling the great distance
each day a surprise oasis in the desert
a gift in its freshness
its quenching depths.
Such uncertainty
makes imperative the Guide.
Following Its precise Compass
we relax and watch
the crystalline snow-covered peaks
the daisies along the lane
and the shimmering blue of a promising sky,
all leading us Home.
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I like this one very much. Your photos are always so compelling, including the one for this post. Thank you…
I’m glad you like this one, Richard. Thank you! And I love this photo too, though it isn’t mine. It’s from Depositphoto. Thanks for checking in here.
Spontaneity and randominity through Kundun…priceless!
Beautifully said, Bobby. Yes, exactly. Thank you.
Wonder, wonder, wonderful! Your song truly makes the soul sing! Thankyou so much Lesley for your gift of sharing these beautiful thoughts and images.
Sing On! Beautiful imagery and understanding! Thank you for this update.
Thank you all for your kind comments. This poem was graced to me to help me let go of something that my mind really wanted to figure out. Here’s a beautiful quote on the subject from Sri Gary Olsen: “The search for truth can span lifetimes, and the slippery road can become long and dreary, but the pure in heart continue onward, fully sensing the truth is near. Never give up your hope or spiritual anticipation, for the greatest of truths is nearer than you could ever imagine, and only needs your inner recognition.” MasterPath, The Divine Science of Light and Sound V. I, p. 3.
i love the idea of being a gypsy.
Reading your poem it all sounded so idyllic,,,,and then images of marauding thieves entered the picture, part of the long and dreary and slipperiness of it all I suppose, but then was graced with the thgout, “and we take refuge in the Beloved Guide, no matter the experience.”
I recently had a painful infection and even in that I was shown to “Relax, Release, Surrender” and my reading contemplations of late have been about surrender, simply longing for the balm of the Master that comes with the very thought of Him.
lovely poem, Lesley, stimulating a sweet contemplation.
Lesley, how beautifully graced you were in channeling this gem of a poem! I immediately thought of a satsang CD I was listening to, where the Master was giving out examples of what some dead images were and one of them was our comfort zone. When I heard that it really resonated with me. I had always taught me kids that there was no growth in the comfort zone but just recently found myself becoming anxious about traveling this coming weekend! My mind was racing just like you so eloquently shared. It wanted to know to the detail how everything would come about for this trip when I had to use Soul control and just relax and know that the Master would guide me in every moment if I would just stop and surrender it all to his will. I really felt this gypsy like freedom rush into my consciousness and I had Soul transported to an excited, joyous state, rather than one of angst which the mind just loves to dwell in if we let it. Thank you for sharing your channeled poem,”We Are Gypsies,” I read it at the perfect time, with our exciting Seminar weekend coming. Finally, this photo is absolutely gorgeous and I could just visualize myself as a Gypsy walking along through this magical valley of beauty, in the NOW of time walking hand and hand with the Master!