Please enjoy this guest post by JoHanna Hartwig
Do we know the threads
that bind the inner weavings
of the soul?
We theorize, mentalize, and cognize
and yet mind cannot grasp.
The Weaver weaves patiently
in rooms above the mind.
Rooms flooded with pristine reflections,
Rooms vibrating with singing threads,
We dance the ballet of infinite yugas
to the Weaver’s sweet orchestration.
Do we know the threads
that bind the inner weavings
of our Soul?
JoHanna Hartwig lives in El Morro, New Mexico where she plays the Celtic harp and is continually inspired by the exquisite solitude of the landscapes.
beautiful verse, JoHanna!
Early on my path I dreamt of “unraveling” and then noticed the word often in the Master’s Works.
Your poem is another perspective that leaves a sweetness in my heart.
Beautiful! I appreciate the very last question and patiently wait for the day when I will meet, in full consciousness, the Supreme Weaver of the entire creation. Thank you.
Oh Wow….how exquisite Johanna!! Thank you for this lovely poem this afternoon….contemplating the threads concept in the rooms above the Mind…:)!
I read all of these posts and every one of them has an amazing effect on me in one way or the other.. The True Weaver touched this soul in such a way that the eyes got wet. thank you so much for sharing always..
Thank you all for your kind comments. This poem continues to speak to me, with its beautiful humility. Deborah, thank you for reading through this blog. It is a wonderful service for me, and I’m happy that it touched you.