Even though most initially wonder how anything so beautiful could possibly be within them, I tell you lovingly and strongly that the human being is the microcosm of the macrocosm, meaning that each individual has an exact duplicate of the outlying universe within oneself.
—Sri Gary Olsen, MasterPath
My inner adventure comes in shades of gray
When I review my life in times of sorrow
A silent voice resounds as if to say
Look at the bright HU of each new tomorrow
And NOW the present moment lifts its head
Slowing releasing all that is now dead
To truly love the inner one within
I gently lift my gaze from where I’ve been
The macro and micro blend in love
His truth is seen below and up above
This happens now and then throughout the day
Oh how I yearn for when I am here to stay
And yet I know its mind that thinks this thought
Surrender and devotion can’t be taught
Helen, Thank you for this fabulous poem. What a deep and loving state it conjures!
Thank you Leslie for this site and the postings that bring more outer awareness to those inner and deeper loving states of being.
Thanks for sharing that quote, Lesley. It’s also very much in line with Native American beliefs that we are all one and that if you see it out there, it’s in here. I can’t tell you how many times I remind myself of that, since it’s so easy to think there is a divide between the two. Love it!