We lounge in a meadow
near a babbling brook
a lone cloud inching
across a sapphire sky.
It has a head, my friend says
pointing to the cloud.
Yes, I say, as I see
the canine snout
protrude and a
curve form along the jaw.
There’s an eye!
The pinhole opens.
And tail!
A wisp wags against the blue.
As we speak
the image concretizes—
what we imagine
An exuberant dog
races across the open sky
its legs reaching forward,
a Divine lesson imparted
through shifting, flowing white:
We are the creators.
Here in this meadow
where I lie on soft grass
the crucial message:
When I image
the Beloved
I become the Love
that I am.
Image: iStockphoto.com
What a pleasant atmosphere you create here, and the message is sweetly powerful and so very true. Thank you for sharing your gift in poetry. I see it is becoming a favorite with you as well.
Thank you for your kind note, Rudy. Yes, I am finding poetry to be a gentle means of expression. The experience I write about here actually happened, and it was so thrilling to see how the world is shaped by one’s imagination in the moment. We live in a constant miracle.
Dearest Lesley,
Reading and contemplation this gentle soothing poetry of yours is such a joy! The first line.,”We Lounge in a meadow, near a babbling brook,” immediately grabbed my attention as my soul began to contemplate your channeling of,”What you Imagine Manifests!” In my current reading contemplation’s this teaching has been a major focal point for me. By the grace of The Master, I have awakened to the realization of the power of my choice in the moment to stay awake and use my third eye, my image maker to create anew! I am no longer a victim of my past creations! As you lounged in that meadow you had the ability to make that cloud be whatever you wanted it to be, and so from your point of view you created an exuberant dog! This is such a blessing to have been awakened to and to now read it in action in your beautiful post. There is so much love, power and wisdom inherent in your poem Lesley and those final words,” When I image the beloved, I become the love that I am,” is one of the greatest gifts we can realize!
Michael, what you wrote bears repeating: “I have awakened to the realization of the power of my choice in the moment to stay awake and use my third eye, my image maker to create anew! I am no longer a victim of my past creations!” The Beloved reminds me of this every day, and I certainly need that nudge in order to remember it and actuate it. Thank you!
Yes! Yes! In”deed” and in experience, conscious or unconscious, I have found myself quite skilled in sabotaging my own confidence, energy, focus and success, my ability to be fully present, in the “now” when I imagine failure. Letting go of this fear is possible when I re-“member” the Presence of the Master.