Dive Soul-First into Love
In every moment
I suspend thought
image the Beloved
and act from that vibration of pure love
knowing that I am It.
Happy New Year, and thank you for sharing your Inner Adventure with me.
Image souce: http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn21/mattbaker64/CliffDiver.jpg
Hi Lesley…I caught this on Twitter! What a great photo! Sums up my life, when I find something/someone I am interested in. Who cares about the depth or contents of the water…just do it! The Master’s Works, to me, are an ocean of precious gems. Somehow and miraculously, simply by reading His blessed scriptures, the “inner dive” is given a reality and confirmation. I raise my glass of inner wine to you, as you continue to channel His energy and love. Happiest New Year to you and yours!
Thank you for you rich comment, Al. So much to contemplate! I just took a walk with friends and we talked about “diving in,” knowing that the lessons we are here to learn are in the very experiences of our every day lives. Rather than run or try to hide from them, our job is to face them head on with the Beloved. Each time we do we receive yet more love. Thank you too for diving in with your music and bringing Sound to so many.
With Al, I too raise my glass to you, dear Lesley, for your enormous contribution to the planet’s spirituality. You channel Shabda with grace and purity, and this soul marvels and appreciates its wholesomeness. Many blessings in the coming year as all of the Beloved’s move closer to the love and bliss you so eloquently describe.
Thank you, Rudy. I too am grateful to you for bringing so much to this blog. Your comments are always full of lessons of kindness and love, just as are your everyday actions.
Awesome and inspiring Lesley, as always. Many blessings for the coming year. With much gratitude x
Thank you, Chloe, and blessings back to you for the coming year. Thank you for sharing here.
Beautiful, as always….picture wiorth a thousand words….your words…priceless….thank you for all your blogs….Shabda is life & life is Shabda…happy 2014 ! <3
Thank you, Susan, for your presence and love here and on Facebook. And Happy 2014 to you too.
As always The Beloved timing is flawless….you took the words right out of my mouth Lesley….they were stuck ther behind a smile, thanks for finding them and so sweetly expressing them.
Happy New Year sweetheart…LJ 🙂 <3
Yes, Logan, that Divine timing is always punctual. Happy New Year to you, dear soul. Thank you for all your contributions here over the past year.
Poignant and sweet, Lesley. Thank you for your unwavering seva. Much love to you and your endeavors over the new year. You are such an inspiratbion.
Happy New Year Lesley, I just love this photo of the diver doing a perfect swan dive. I used to be quite the diver growing up and that was one of my favorite dives. When I was in Acapulco, Mexico I watched the cliff divers while I dined at a nice restaurant, and the swan dive is always used! Thank you for all your wonderful channeling you have done throughout the year through your blog and this message of,”Dive Soul First,”is yet another blessing when contemplated and realized. Thank you for your friendship and the wonderful writing course I took with you, it has been such a wonderful gift! Baraka bashard!
Thank you, Michael. I have heard about the Acapulco cliff divers but never seen them. When we were kids we used to dive off the cliffs at a lake not far from our ranch. I can still feel the thrill of leaping off that edge. It’s wonderful that you swan dived! I so appreciate all your encouragement for this blog and your presence in my writing class. I look forward to reading more of your writing!