You alone are the object of your search.—Sri Gary Olsen, Soul’s Divine Journey
P.S. If this quote resonates with you, so may the whole book, which is available for free at
You alone are the object of your search.—Sri Gary Olsen, Soul’s Divine Journey
P.S. If this quote resonates with you, so may the whole book, which is available for free at
It is ironic that the statement is absolutely true! For seekers that I have met over the years, one identity crisis follows another, like endless ocean waves. This is a very great signal that, sooner or later, a path will make itself known which will forever bring the “identity crisis” syndrome to an end. Paramount to solving this dilemma is the awakening of the soul. Without this awakening we are left only with mental concepts and fleeting flashes of light which just as soon disappear, adding fuel to the fire of one’s sincere search. Nothing is as aggravating as not knowing who you are!! For those reading this blog I lovingly recommend clicking on Lesley’s link to MasterPath. Also, I say “Keep on seeking”!!!
Beautifully said, Al. What strikes me about this quote is that it truly is the solution to any “problem.” I have found that whenever I’m challenged in my days it is because I am seeking something outside–money, recognition, love, pleasure, whatever. When I realize that everything is already here, within, the seeking dissolves into love.
As a student of this amazing Saint for oh so many years now I’l just say That’s It, nothing more needed. The picture is a perfect capture of Fall in NM, oh so grand.
Thank you, Cynthia, I’m happy you like the photo. It reminds me of the path home, and how once one finds the true path, as you say, “nothing more is needed.”