I heard this poem read more than a year ago and it has stayed with me. The other day I ran into the poet. Blessed timing.
Before Your Gates
At last, Beloved, this insurgent stands
before Your gates, without a guard or chains.
I bring no army; I make no demands.
Blood-stained and battle-weary from campaigns
against Your grace, I offer nothing more
yet nothing less than my own helplessness.
How self-defeating this armor I wore:
my arrogance, my pride—so powerless
to blunt Your volleys of mercy and truth!
My swords of vanity, these spears of greed—
whose blood was shed but mine? Still but a youth
in ways divine, I fought in thought and deed.
At last, Beloved, this disciple kneels
in service to the Will Thy peace reveals.
Robin Tawney lives in Albuquerque, where he has a private practice in body-centered psychotherapy, and writes poetry about his ever-evolving relationship to the Beloved.
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Such exquisite surrender. It touches this warriors heart in honor of the Beloved’s peaceful way. Beautiful poetry.
Profound poetry from a road-weary-wary soul. Today, I have a relationship to explore with my dentist. Talk about helplessness!!
Such a humble declaration in helplessness, Truth simply expressed. Through The Beloved, Robin gives form Here to The Mystical Truth “and The Truth will set you Free”
🙂 <3
Thank you to Lesley and Robin, just what I needed this morning! Beautiful.
Thank you all for your loving response. Yes, this poem really hits home. Every time I read it, it nestles more deeply in my spiritual heart. Al, sending you love with your dental experience.
Profound and beautiful! Thank you.
This exquisite poem so ignites the pains of separation within me. What a gift. Please post more of Robin’s poems in the future.
Lesley this poem you shared by Robin Tawney, resonated so deeply with me! I saw myself, as the disciple, every word she channeled in this poem related to my life. Yes and at last I am kneeling humbly in service to my Master, his will not mine! What a beautiful contemplation on surrender! Thank you so much for sharing her poem with us!
Hi Lesley, I too was sweetly moved by Robin’s poem. The yearning for Truth after countless lifetimes following mind/ego into senseless battles is so perfectly evoked.
I’m privileged to have a copy of another of Robin’s poems: “Con-Men”, which I will send
via regular email. I wonder if he would agree to have this shared in your blog as well?
Your blog continues to be a source of loving inspiration, Lesley. Your spiritual eye and heart so wisely choose images and words that bring our Master’s Love to life.