The Light and Sound teachings, of which I am a student, instruct that we incarnate into every physical form in our journey to know our true God selves. This happens along an evolutionary continuum, and yet since time and space are an illusion, it occurs in the now. This is the basis for my poem.
The Lover’s Breath
How could I ever forget
The weight of my basalt self nestled against the earth?
How could I forget
The arch of my great whale body as it skims the ocean floor?
How could I forget
The whoosh of my feathery wings while they flap in flight?
Most of all
How could I forget
The Lover’s breath on my neck as I sleep?
All exists here, now
The rock
Born into each, a flicker of memory
The avalanche
The razor teeth
Ripped flesh
Catapult from the sky
Bruised heart
Dim all
Until I sleep in the dark
Of bone and skin of a new body.
This is true
I think as I dive deeper and deeper into the dream of what I am not.
It is not God who erases the truth, but me.
The flame always burns.
It is I who
Leave its illuminating glow.
Of course I forget
Just as any moment I can again remember
The all of creation that
I am.
i love it! So true!
Lovely, Lesley. We are all with Him, and we are nothing without Him.
Thank you, Sonja. It is true, isn’t it?
And Leslie, I love what you say. We really are All when we are with the Beloved. That is the only way we know the truth of our eternal beingness. Thank you!
What do we really know? The teachings of the Saints tell us a lot about soul, about our almost infinite past, about the millions of life-forms which soul must and has experienced, including multiple incarnations in the human form…but do we really, really know this to be fact, and not fiction? I don’t mean to be a contrarian here, folks…but, honestly, I have questioned all “teachings” which don’t give me direct experience of that which is taught. And the notion that we have lived as molecules, bacteria, insects, worms, fish, animals and other types of species is still knowledge which I accept on faith and logic, but not direct experience (others actually DO have true memories of other life forms, but not me). In my truth, all I have is my own personal experience in this life, not “past lives”. What I HAVE been blessed with is direct experience with Light and Sound, the awakening of soul, the incomparable gift of having the True Guide and Mentor, as well as unflappable help with my daily and momentary challenges IN THIS LIFE, which is an unending battle between worldly desires and the higher/highest life in consciousness. I don’t question the knowledge that we have had innumerable incarnations in many species, but only offer that, unless direct experience is afforded one, this fact (true or false) is simply a mental concept, reduced to “belief”. Foundation is experience. One knows the taste of maple syrup only when one has tasted it. Until that time, maple syrup exists only as a concept in imagination. I don’t need to know my past incarnations, if any. All I need is the Light and Sound of the True Master on a continual basis to prove to my skeptical mind that the higher states are slowly being experienced in ever-increasing experiences of real love and true mercy…HERE AND NOW.
Thank you for these spokes on the wheel of understanding, Al. What you say is true. we need not occupy ourselves with past lives. For me, coming to know the vastness of myself within eternity is crucial to my joy and lightness as I undertake the challenges in my present life. I love it all, this blessed journey through infinite time. It is the greatest of adventures.
Beautiful reply, Lesley, and what Al says is surely true, regarding memory, but an examination of memory itself reveals how poor and filled with holes it is just in this incarnation. What the concept (not recall) of other incarnations offers me is a basket of metaphors for transforming this life to the next level, as the transforming of the caterpillar to the butterfly graphically manifests. Masters teach that any life form can only comprehend itself as that consciousness but that the peak of physical form is the human, and we are given the possibility to imagine, then transform ourselves with the aid of an Adept — one who has traveled this road many times — to the next great level of consciousness — to consider ourselves something much, much more. As you say, learning the vastness of our true selves. What a blessing it is!
Wow, Rudy, what you say has brought a burst of realization. Truly the great value of having a Master teacher to guide one is in the very fact that He has traveled the road and can tell us, show us, how to use our imagination to navigate it on our own behalf. That may mean moving from believing oneself to be merely a physical being to being a radiant one. Or it may mean something as simple as imagining oneself from being an emotional weakling to someone who can handle any situation in life, from humiliation to tragedy to the very death of the physical body, which we will all have to one day do.
This poem arose from experiences I have had. While clinging to a granite face while rock climbing I felt myself become the rock, and while seeing a whale rise from the Bering Sea I experienced my whaleness. At night when I sleep I am often blessed to fly like a dove. So all incarnations are mine to draw from in any moment, as is the Beloved who has mastered them all, including the Godhood where I am headed.
Well if that’s not the most gorgeous thing I’ve heard! The more I’m on this journey, the more I realize what an illusion these physical forms really are, from the germ to the slug to the human genius. They only have the importance we give them, or the disregard. Your flying as a dove at night is more real than an ache or an anger or a disappointment while “awake.” I have often felt the gift of imagination is the most under-utilized, under-appreciated gift humans possess. True, imagination is still mental, but its gift rubs down the membrane between mental and spiritual to the degree that nutrients can easily pass through in both directions, creating opportunities outside the body that would be unavailable to us otherwise, and preparing us for spiritual explosions of insight and real understanding. Digo yo.
Yes, how can we have forgotten? I love the powerful imagery of your words. I have never known you to write poetry, but you are clearly gifted in that arena as well. All is now; all is present before us, and time itself is the illusion — wow, what a contemplative thought.
Thank you, Rudy. Yes, this was new for me. Sometimes my posts do come out as poems, and I realized it was time to share in this way. Truly, as you say, all is now.
Oh Lesley, this is a wonder-full and lovely written manifestation of the inner impressions He gives us. Thank you for listening so carefully!
Thank you, Lisa, for partaking of it. We are blessed by your presence here.
Fabulous Leslie. Your poem reminds me of the falcon’s stoop.. flickering with both life and death as it falls. The explosion of its impact floats gently to earth in a scatter of sunbeams and white feathers.
Liz, I had to go on YouTube to find out what you so brilliantly describe here. It really is amazing how they just seem to fall from the sky, and yet I guess they are completely controlled in their actions. What poetry you write!
Our journey is unending and love has been our constant companion. Whether we can remember or not, this great journey has been confirmed for us, which only makes our opportunity in this lifetime even more precious. It is nice to reflect on how long we have been loved and guided into the realization of love itself. Thank you as always Lesley for your graced sharing. Much love.
Thank you, Jamie, what you say is so true. Sometimes when I am feeling low. I will remember what our Beloved has said about how long we have journeyed, and I realize that my little dilemma is nothing in the face of my vast existence. I then feel the power of that eternity enter me and become ready to live again. Much love to you too, dear friend.
Lesley, this poem as do all your writings take me on a journey in consciousness! As I read your channeling in whatever format you use the Shabda flows into my being, This poem I so much enjoyed since when I read and contemplate our Masters teachings of first devolution and then evolution it all seems to manifest as truth in my soul! Our Master always says that Science and Religion are the two opposites and that the truth is what the opposites have in common.. My love of quantum physics is science and the teachings of Light and Sound are the middle ground, the razors edge between these twp extremes. Your poem resonates this teaching of devolution and evolution so eloquently! Thank you for all you share!
Michael, what you say is beautiful. Truly, when we encounter truth we feel it in our depths. For me the knowing sometimes rises on my skin as goosebumps, or I simply feel a quiet settling within my heart. The point is that we really KNOW when we encounter it. Only in that acknowledgement can we expand into it. Thank you for that reminder.
So much shared in such few words…beautiful poetry that shares soul’s journey of love in the now …. Thanks Lesley….you rock…so to speak !
Haha, Susan, you rock too, dear soul. Thank you!
Hi Les!
As we re-member, we comeback into communion and interrelation with the beloved.
LOVE IT! thank you
Sweet Shabda poem, Lesley. I love the reply you wrote above: “This poem arose from experiences I have had. While clinging to a granite face while rock climbing I felt myself become the rock, and while seeing a whale rise from the Bering Sea I experienced my whaleness. At night when I sleep I am often blessed to fly like a dove. So all incarnations are mine to draw from in any moment, as is the Beloved who has mastered them all, including the Godhood where I am headed.”
All does exist in the now, it is mind that tells us otherwise. As I stop believing everything mind tells me, I see that all I’ve been, and all I am growing into exist within me right now. The Beloved helps me shed the the beliefs and attitudes that keep me from living from that reality. I am so grateful.
Thank you, Sage. What you write is worth repeating as well: I see that all I’ve been, and all I am growing into exist within me right now. The Beloved helps me shed the the beliefs and attitudes that keep me from living from that reality.
As I grow to more deeply grasp this, all of life becomes friendly because I know that everything that arises for me to navigate is a gift for me to unwrap in order to more deeply experience my Awesomeness.
Beautiful reflections to contemplate. Thank you Lesley. So true.
The eagle who soars to great heights has much to say of the beauty it has seen.
It lands on a precipice so gracefully and calls out mightily, look what I have seen. Few be it to understand its speech, but all look up and wonder at how it cuts swiftly through the air and dances through the clouds. Some even say “I want to fly too”
Your calling out dear Lesley is such a lovely invitation to those who look up above their lands, your poem is beautiful and a definite keeper.
What a gift to fly like the dove.
I have seen an innumerable me’s in my universe, and have taken up the masks many times. They all scream for Love.
Thanks for sharing this Truth within you. All who see will be touched in their own way.
Much Love Querida…LJ 🙂 <3
Thank you, dear Logan. There are so many rich moments in what you just wrote. Truly, every part of us, every part of the creation that is us, is screaming for love. And the love is right here, right now. We can inhale it in an instant, just by shifting our attention to the Beloved. In that second we burst into flight with a great flutter of wings, soaring eagles that we are.
“How could I forget
The Lover’s breath on my neck as I sleep?”
The Lover, how do we forget? The biggest gift is how in due time It becomes easier to remember. Forgetting is so painful. Thanks for being such a wonderful channel!
So true, dear soul. What a gift is the remembrance. You are welcome, and thank you!