I walnut fail.
I can pecanfident.
I cashew all negativity.
Al-mond my willful ways.
I let others have their own piñons.
I am chestnut going to let things get to me.
I love myself even though I am acorny person.
I must peanuts to think these will work.
I’d better call on the help of my Beloved.
Blessings for the New Year.
Thank you to my subscribers, who inspire me to keep writing. And thank you to my editors, Alli Rand and Lois Gilbert, who watch my back, and to my teacher, Sri Gary Olsen, who ignites my inner adventure.
Silliness is next to Godliness.
Thanks to Rudy Anderson for the initial seed for this post.
Piñon nuts: http://www.flickr.com/people/pgoyette/
Acorns: Wikipedia, Dakota L.
Chestnuts: http://www.flagstaffotos.com.au/gallery23/main.php
Lesley, that was so silly and nutty! I loved it and it made me laugh this early morning on New Years day! Thanks for sharing those Nutty New Years Affirmations!
You are so welcome, Michael. As our Beloved says, “Only soul can laugh.” That you do laugh is a tribute to your soulfulness.
I am amazed. They just keep going on and on — your creativity knows no bounds, and I love your sense of humor! I can only imagine the fun you were having putting this together. Here we are engaged in the most serious battles of eternity, and you are light as a breeze. You are a beautiful example of what it means to “turn it ALL over to the Master.” After that there is nut-thing to worry about. Thanks for making us all chuckle this morning. May you have a wonderful year ahead! Many blessings!
Thank you, Rudy. You always shore up my courage with this endeavor. Truly the creativity that comes through me knows no bounds, though it definitely is not mine. It is ours, all of ours, to partake of whenever we choose. Of course you know this, but it always does me good to hear it. Truly there is nut0thing to worry about.
Cute and clever and yes, the Universe has a sense of humour!! Thank the Universe…
So true, Cynthia, the Universe really does. How else could it show us both our foolishness and our Godliness?
How clever, fun, & totally nutty of you to post this for all of us …great affirmations for the nutty new year …but that’s just my o..pinion !!
Very sweet, Susan. Yes, it will be a nutty new year, that we can count on. How we handle the nuttiness will be the great test. I say, Game on!
Liz, I so wanted to think of one for Brazil nuts. I tried and tried, and now there it is. Definitely, Brazilliant!
This is the BEST!!!
Wishing you everything good in the new year.
Love and hugs
Thank you, Qatana. Wishing you a wonderful New Year as well. I’m so happy to have you in my life.