Every cell in my body is the micro of the macro.
Every atom within me vibrates reflecting upon my whole world.
When I keep my attention on my Beloved, the highest possible existence manifests.
Every cell in my body is the micro of the macro.
Every atom within me vibrates reflecting upon my whole world.
When I keep my attention on my Beloved, the highest possible existence manifests.
Lesley, this newest post on your blog really resonates with me.I have always believed that each cell is a miniature terminal connected to the cosmic computer which I know now as the sound! It is amazing to me that each cell does not know that it is part of a larger whole, same as most humans feel that they are alone and not part of the whole! As you said,”micro of the macro,: it is the same to the cell as it is to the human! Now as a 2nd Initiate one of my goal’s is to dwell upon our Master as my spiritual ideal and by doing this the highest possible existence will manifest! Thank you!
Michael, your computer metaphor is beautiful, and I appreciate your addition to this post about the cell and how most humans don’t know they are a part of the whole. When I realized this “fractal” existence of ours, my life became much simpler. I love knowing that I don’t have to try to manipulate the outer. I simply direct my love to the great creator and all reflects from there. Whew! Such a relief.
Beautiful imagery, Lesley — the leaf to the tree to the forest. I have only recently begun to understand the irrelevance of space. I have always assumed it is something that can be measured, and traversed only by using time. In a world where matter is fact it is true, but only because it is believed to be true. Truth emerges, I think, like a butterfly from the caterpillar — stopping, pondering, going within to make the necessary adjustments, and surfacing again as something completely opposite of a ground crawler. We will all some day get “there,” but the journey is entirely due to the metamorphosis of our viewpoint, not for any distance we have to cross.
Thank you for always giving us something to contemplate, Lesley. You are a lovely, generous butterfly :o)
Thank you for your kind words, Rudy, and the lovely metaphor of the caterpillar transforming to the butterfly. We really do outgrow viewpoint after viewpoint, always expanding into the new and greater until we encompass all of creation. Yay!
I LOVE your “Yay!” So perfectly fitting this sweet journey!!
“Every atom within me vibrates reflecting upon my whole world.”
That been on my mind for a while. Where I am lately is – There is NO silence. The vibration of those atoms creates a sound. That’s what I prefer to listen to. I call it, the sound of my mind not thinking.
I hear that vibration in your imagery.
Sammi, what you say is beautiful. Truly we are guided home by the Sound. In fact, the teachings behind every great spiritual path in existence, ranging from Taoism to Christianity have arisen from the Sound. It is the power behind all creation. How wonderful that you are hearing it.
The intention of this blog is to inspire readers, whatever their path. When a reader mentions the Sound, I do like to mention the teachings of MasterPath, which are taught by a true Sound Master. If you feel moved to check them out, you may at http://www.masterpath.org. I so appreciate you reading and commenting, Sammi.