Thoughts become things. Thoughts of God become love.
I Am Love
by Lesley | Oct 15, 2012 | Devotion, God, Spiritual concepts | 18 comments
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Is it a haiku?
It’s a lovely thought and photo! And a powerful and true one!
Thank you, Sonja. It is not a haiku in the strict sense, but it definitely has haiku elements. The first part of this kept coming to me this week, from my brother, on a Facebook post I read, and I thought, yes, that is true, but it is not the whole truth. I asked my Beloved for the whole truth and this is what came in.
Lesley, a gentle reminder.
We are NOT our thoughts, we are Soul. Soul does not “think”. The I AM has direct perception of the Sound.
Thomas, point well taken. Thank you. Perhaps I will change the title. That’s what’s great about blogging: always room for revision. So happy to see you here!
On my morning walk I contemplated the paradox that Thomas raises. “I Am What I Think” is actually true when followed by the rest of the poem. Until I am God realized, I live in a world of concepts made up of what I think I am. My best bet is to think about my Beloved, which moves me into the vibration of love, and that is how I realize that I am. Then no more thinking. I am love.
Your revision is stunning, Lesley. What I read from it is that Love’s vibration is so fine it can permeate all matter, collapse all space and evaporate all time. Until we ARE total Love, it becomes the fabric that holds what “matters” most to us. When things no longer “matter” they meld into the vibration that is temporarily holding them. Even thinking will someday evaporate into Love’s vibration. I wish I had time to flesh this out more fully, but I wanted to comment on such a beautiful scene with so dear a comment.
Rudy, I can tell you took a great flight with that contemplation. What you write is beautiful, so many truths to be “caught” within it. Most of all, the power of love to transmute all. Thank you!
Lesley, I do not wish to belabor the point, I suggest a reading of Sri Gary definition of “concept” in the MP dictionary will clarify all. Much love.
I did, Thomas. Thank you.
I used to think that I was what I thought I was.
So much misery and degradation! or arrogance and false pride
The dual mind with its myriad thoughts set me up repeatedly.
But then a comic strip was a precursor hint of the truth that I would one day be lead to know …was it Pogo or Popeye? no matter…the quote was…
“I am what I am and that’s all that I am”
And what an all that is! It cannot even be reduced to a word or sentence.
That brought such a big smile to my face, Sheila. Thank you! I will remember it.
Wow, Leslie …your ability to say so much with so few words is refreshing. I have tendency to go on & on…but now I am beginning to recognize..thanks to Garji !
Thank you so much, Susan. Your comments are always right to the point.
Hi Leslie,
I got your website info from Canton Becker who has helped me for many years with my sites. I enjoyed your Inner Adventure Gift, especially as I am in Miami on work for some time and am missing New Mexico. Thought you might enjoy this painting as I must have sketched it from the same spot this photo was taken…
Thanks for all your inner focus, and I look forward to more.
Annie, thank you for subscribing to my blog and for sending that beautiful image. It is the same spot—how fun to see it through your creative eye. Looking at your painting brought a big smile to my face. Your work is full of joy and love. I also resonate with the name of your studio: Studio Bliss. Blessings, dear soul.
Hi Lesley, am glad to be a part of your blog, and now always look forward to your wisdom! Thoughts of God becoming Love is music to my ears! Thank you, your new friend and Chela.
Hello Michael, I’m happy to have you reading and participating here. We really are all having a great party, and I’m happy to join with you as a fellow Divine reveler.
Sitting with the beloved
I rest in radiance
Emanating light.
Sending Grace across the waters, over hill and valley…
Thanks Lesley!