What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.—Plutarch
It’s four in the morning. The world is dark as I don eye goggles and a mask in order to plunge into the unknown. No, I am not spelunking into a lava cave, nor am I diving deep into a tropical ocean, though this takes as much courage. Instead, I am plunging my kitchen sink.
Why at such an early hour, with so much determined effort?
Simply, it is time. For two days I have trusted Drano to do the job, but it failed to penetrate the murky sludge. During this time I have asked God what this clog reflects, since I know that my outer life is a movie of my inner. All I know is that for days I have been sleepy and tired of life.
And still the clog persists.
Until this morning, when in bed, my discomfort grew so acute I could no longer ignore it.
So as I approach the sink, I see that my life is clogged.
I have a novel to publish and a website to make live.
Though I have kayaked Class IV rapids and scaled 5.10 granite faces, creating a new life most makes me shiver. The last time I recreated my life, I needed Prozac and thousands of dollars of therapy. Now, instead, I rely on God.
So as I push the plunger up and down, I become willing to do as Christ said: Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
I am afraid to lose my dignity through publishing this novel that was a decade in the making, and through exposing my new website to the light of the world. I fear failure.
But I have no choice. I have to take these actions. Each morning, in my spiritual practice, I do my best to raise my viewpoint to a new level. I commune with what the mystics call the Sound current, the God essence infusing all of life. Then I step into the world and actuate that current and thus my outer life changes to reflect my inner.
My mind is fearful because it doesn’t know what the new picture will look like, and so it wants to create from the old ones. It wants to be the travel writer or the teacher. But there is a new image that has formed instead.
It is my Beloved.
I am committed to letting my outer creation stem from this image. It takes courage to live in the moment, to let the Divine reveal my next step. This way I create from infinite soul rather than limited mind.
With God, I planned and embarked on this amazing trip into creation. It is full of every extreme and everything in between. I can embrace it, love it, live each challenge with my whole heart. Like Ernest Shackleton, Jacques Cousteau and Amelia Earhart, I am a fearless adventurer plunging into the unknown.
The sink drain?
Clear and flowing.
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Amen! The creation is beautiful and will only grow more so!
Lesley, such a wonder-full post. How the Beloved uses every little thing for us to realize our true Selves is such a miracle! May you step into and live this new life with boundless blessings.
Thank you, Elsa. We are so blessed for every lesson, from a small one such as a sink clog to the larger ones that last years or lifetimes. Coming to see ALL as love turns them all into gifts we get to unwrap.