- You’re happy for no reason.
- Your memory is replaced by Post-It notes.
- You realize that in arguments, the fault lies not on their side of the street, nor on your side of the street. You own the whole block.
- You tell your friends you have a life-threatening illness and they say “congratulations.”
- You tell your friends you’re getting a divorce and they say “congratulations.”
- Your biggest thrill takes place while you sit quietly alone in your house.
- People ask you what you’ve been up to lately and you can’t think of a thing, but you’re certain your life is more exciting than it has ever been.
- You’d rather Be than do.
- You laugh at the beginning of your beloved’s jokes.
- Peace is acceptable, war has its place, but that barking dog next door has got to go!
- You’ve detached from work, family and possessions, but chocolate. . . not so much.
- You’d rather part with money than hold onto it.
- You don’t know what you ate for your last meal, but you’re pretty sure of what you did in your last life, and it still gives you indigestion.
I love this!
: )
Thank you for helping me laugh, AGAIN! Love this post Lesley!!
You are so welcome, Annie. It’s great seeing you here.
I just replied to a client of mine who has an unusual name and was mad at me because I spelled it wrong in an email to him (I rather dislike this form of communications). I then opened your Blog. You certainly made my day. You are wonderful.
Thank you, John. I’m so glad this offered an antidote to the world’s seriousness.
I love it!
Some of these I immediately go for, others I’m not quite so sure, but they all give me something to think about!
What good is it, if you can’t laugh?!
I agree, Qatana. We can always benefit from more lightness. And some of these definitely push the envelope of moral thinking. From the mystical viewpoint, everything is perfect, whether illness, loss of love, even war, because all experience brings us closer to our true Divine self. Blessings to you!
Thank you that was very refreshing. I offer this link to a wonderful site that offers free downloads f many eastern chants. I find the Compassion Mantra to be particularly uplifting. Aside form the tune, just not understanding the words expands the dynamic. Here it is in Tweet format,
Great Compassion Mantra-Free Download http://bit.ly/zqm8eA via a great site http://bit.ly/zWjo5d I found via Twitter Namaste
so interesting, thank you. please help my curiosity. does the path of spiritual warrior entail us to abandon our family as we seek to find our calling? isnt our family/children, spouse part of the “lessons” put on our path that we have chosen for this life time? have we chosen it or has it been chosen for us? what is our sole responsibility here? thank you
Great question, Kenneth. In my experience, you are exactly right. All of life is our teaching, and loving our family/children is one of our greatest lessons. I find that the more I love my family, the more I love myself. Thank you for visiting and commenting.