When I swim, I’m like a dolphin. I roll and flip in the gravity-free expanse. I speed along and dive deep. I leap off the bottom and fly through the air.

Likely, fellow swimmers think I’m crazy. But I can’t help it—I’m overflowing with bliss. I feel the great wonder of the Ocean of Love and Mercy—this place where we all play every day in the sweet Divine elixir.

What is this Ocean? It is many things, but these are my favorite three:

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  • A Loving Teacher
  • All Possibility
  • The Safe Home


A Loving Teacher

The Divine is everything. It is the stars, the Earth, the flower, the very palm of my hand. All is one fluid essence. When I swim, I experience this most easily. I become each drop. I flow and swirl in easy grace.

It’s the same in life outside the water. All experience is a part of the beautiful Ocean of Love that helps us flow into our next surrender, our higher form of being.

So, for example, when my tenant tells me he is moving out of my rental property, I fear the possible loss of income. Then I remember that this experience is a Divine teaching.

Ah, I think, a new soul will come in for me to channel love to and learn from. Or maybe no one will rent it, and the Divine will be asking me to do something else with the space. Always when a “problem” arises, the Divine is prompting me to open to a larger view of life.

While the mind would bring “gravity,” the soul soars because it knows everything in the Ocean is for its expansion.

All Possibility

Everything in the Ocean is me. When I swim and flip and twirl, I feel like I am the molecules of the water, and really, I am. We are one, just as I am one with the whale singing thousands of miles away and the seaweed caught between my toes. We are all consciousness—Divine love: that is our ephemeral substance.

“With no beginning or end, there is my body. In it an ocean formed of His glory. All the creation, all the universes, all the galaxies, are lost in it,” wrote Rumi.

My own micro-ocean that I swim in every day has been perfectly created for me—my house and possessions arise from my desires. Back when I bought my house, I believed that money from the rental would help pay my mortgage, and that has proven true. As long as I believe in that equation, it will be true, and I will feel threatened when the property is vacant.

But what if the Divine wants me see in a broader way, to trust the great Ocean of possibility instead of a fixed equation? When I view life this way, nothing is a threat. Instead, everything is an evolving projection of my beliefs, hopes and dreams. The creation is here to teach me how free I truly am.

The Safe Home

The more time I spend with the Divine, the more I dissolve into the great Ocean of Love. I learn to swim with its directive current. Rather than trying to figure things out with my mind, I rely on Divine guidance.

When I first realize I need a new tenant, my mind wants to hash over the difficulties of renting an art studio when the art market is flat. It wants to worry. Instead, I place the advertisements and then stop thinking. Whenever my mind tries to dwell on it, I release and come into the Now. I listen for the new view of freedom to come in. This can be uncomfortable because the mind wants to run! act! react!, but I redirect it to listen for the sweet whisper.

Soon a sense of freedom comes in. I know that, rather than coming from the rental, the money comes from the Divine. In fact, since I am a channel for the Infinite, the money flows through me into my life. With this understanding, I no longer care whether or not the studio rents.

Then, a new tenant appears. This is how things usually go.

When I release all thought, all attachment, I become the vastness that is love and that is truly me. This can take place in an instant, and through thousands of incarnations, both, because really there is no time, no space, only the sweet elixir.

The very purpose of the Ocean of Love and Mercy is for me to remember that I am infinite and all-powerful—Divine. And that knowingness is Home.

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